Friday, November 28, 2014

Perks of being single

Hello dear readers :D

It’s been a while since I last prepared a post for you, but I’ve been really busy lately: lots of projects, homework and tests. Nothing has changed now. At least not yet. However, the semester is about to be over. 3 weeks to go :D :D I’m excited for the holidays season and for the semester break. I have many surprise posts coming up for you :D so you just have to wait and see… meanwhile, I’ve got something funny for you :D

In today’s post, I decided to talk about the perks of being single. Usually, people see being single as a bad thing or even as bad luck. However, I see it differently (Sometimes at least :P). Therefore, I decided to shed light on the bright side of being single….

1-      Having all the time for yourself

When you’re single, you have plenty of time for yourself. You get to pamper yourself, read a lot, see your friends and family, etc. That’s something that goes missing when you’re in a relationship because all your attention will be directed toward the one you love instead of being directed toward yourself. So take care of yourself as long as you have the chance to do so :D


2-      Spending your money the way you like it

That sweater at Mango or Zara caught your eye? Or been dreaming about those shoes you saw at GS? Go ahead and buy them! There’s nothing like treating yourself from time to time instead of spending your money on gifts for your loved one :P there’s no love like self love :D

3-      Having the bed all to yourself

When you have someone in your life and when you get married, you will miss sleeping alone in your bed and having all the space to yourself. Left, Right, Middle. You can move and toss around as much as you want. Plus, you don’t have anyone snoring at your side and preventing you from getting a good night of sleep.


4-      Dressing up because you feel like it

Not because you have a date or because you have to… Sometimes it feels good to dress up just because you feel like doing it and because you are in the mood for a nice/sexy dress, high heels and some light make up…


5-      Making as many plans as you want with your girlfriends

Being single is the perfect time for you to hang out with your girlfriends, go for a drink or dinner every weekend, shop and gossip, in a few words, to enjoy what you aren’t able to do so often if you’re in a relationship.
And now… some single life humor :D : D


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